SF 460 - Payroll Debit Cards
SF 460 relates to the payment of wages by debit card or pay card. The bill requires an employee voluntarily to agree in writing or electronically to accept payment by debit or pay card. The employer will need to notify the employee in writing of other methods of payment offered by the employer. The bill allows the employee the option of withdrawing all wages due once per pay period without incurring any charge if the withdrawal of wages is conducted at a financial institution’s office location. The bill also bill requires the employer to retain copies of the employee’s written consent and the notice of charges for the period for which the consent is effective and for at least two years thereafter. The employer must substitute another payment method no later than two pay periods after receiving a request from an employee for the termination of payment by debit car or pay card. In addition, the bill requires the payroll period start and end dates to be displayed on the payroll stub. [3/17: 27-24 (party-line)]